IMAGE PSYCHOTHERAPY IN HOSPICE CARE Prof. Dr. Bhum Sik, CHOI. The MyongJi University of korea, korea
Preface Today, I will present the image psychotherapy for the hospice care even for a palliative care. At the first part, the general principle and method of deep dynamic image psychotherapy will be introduced and at the second part, will be introduced the image psychotherapy for the hospice care and palliative care, which is recently developed in Korea new developed. Ⅰ Introduction to the Image Psychotherapy.1 Image Psychotherapy Image psychotherapy is one of the current psychotherapies, which has been existed in clinical part after Psychoanalysis and Behavior-psychotherapy. Kathathymes Bilderleben(KB) in Germany is one of the representative and well known image psychotherapy as a deep dynamic image psychotherapy in Europe among the psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists social and nursing counselors. Image psychotherapy is actually called Imago Psychotherapy or Dynamic Image Psychotherapy. 2 Principles and Definition of dynamic Image Psychotherapy Image psychotherapy is a one of the deep dynamic and analysis oriented psychotherapies, in which are with mental image guided methods our psychological problems and mental disorders treated. "Having a picture in the head", "seeing in the mind's eye", "visualizing", "having seeing a mental picture" are similar with imagining or mental imagery. KB Image Psychotherapy is the most widely recognized Image Psychotherapy with its systematized theories and methods. Today many of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists in Europe apply KB Image Psychotherapy to their treatment. Image Psychotherapist searches out inner world, and reconstructs「old mind」 to the「new mind」.
3 The concept of mind and mind's problems Why and how exist psychological problems and mental disorders? In image psychotherapy we believe that psychological problems, mental problems, neurosis, mental disease come from our mind, our deep mind, namely our unconsciousness and mind's problems. In image psychotherapy, the concept of mind and mind's problems are very important. Our all psychological·mental problems are from our mind and mind's problems. Mind is composed of mind itself and mind's problems. So, all our mind's problems are from our mind and our all psychological·mental problems are also from our mind and mind's problems. So we can result as followings : ⑴ All Our psychological·mental the problems are same problems with our mind's problems. ⑵ Our mind and mind's problems are roots of all our psychological·mental problems. ⑶ If we will treat our psychological·mental problems, then must be solved our mind and mind's problems absolutely together. ⑷ Also all our negative function' of emotion, negative thinking, negative function of behavior, negative function of coping manner and negative function of defense mechanism are from our mind and mind's problems. Mind's problems are main factors which manipulate our self function totally in our deep inner mind. If our mind negative works negatively function, it can be then the cause of all our negative affections, feeling, thinking, cognition, behavior and habits etc. So, once our mind's problems are produced, our mind is accompanied with suffering and difficulties and our mind tries to inform us about these threatening existence very strongly. Image Psychotherapy let us guide experiencing, finding and recognizing our mind and mind's problems and also according to the analysis, interpreting the contents of our mind's and mind's problems and guide to overcoming and solving the mind's problems and to obtaining the new mind and new behavior.
4 How to get to treat? Treating in Image Psychotherapy means followings : ⑴ According to guide, experiencing and meeting my mind world and my mind's problems, ⑵ According to guide, finding and recognizing my mind's problems and figure of my psychological·mental problems, ⑶ According to guide, overcoming and control my mind's problems and figure of my psychological·mental problems, ⑷ According to guide, obtaining the my new positive mind ⑸ According to guide, changing my old character and behavior ⑹ According to guide, obtaining my new character and behavior
5 The therapeutic concept of image psychotherapy 1) The therapeutic form of Image Psychotherapy The therapeutic form of Image Psychotherapy is composed of ① working with open-eyes method and ② working with closed-eyes method and ③ working combining both methods. In other words, image psycho- therapy has three approaches : ① one approach with open-eyes ② one approach with closed-eyes and ③ one approaches with open-eyes and with closed-eyes together. Working with open-eyes method means all kinds of common counseling method like conversation, talk during the counseling and working with closed-eyes means all kinds of counseling methods, which we guide client with closed-eyes like the methods of meditation, therapeutic relaxation, deep image experience, active imagination, hypnosis, and trance experience etc. 2) The therapeutic stages of Image Psychotherapy All our psychological ·mental problems and mind's problems are healed and settled gradually through 40 stages including following stages : ( 1 ) presenting one's problems stage ( 2 ) experiencing the presented problems stage ( 3 ) experienced presented problems in order stage ( 4 ) experienced presented problems in order with「mind」stage ( 5 ) experienced presented problems to the mind's problems in order stage ( 6 ) mind in experience stage ( 7 ) experienced mind in recognized stage ( 8 ) experienced mind in order stage ( 9 ) experienced mind in memory and imprinting stage (10) experienced mind in memory and imprinting stage (11) analyzing of mind's problems (12) analyzed mind's problems in memory and imprinting stage (13) practicing analyzed mind's problems in daily life stage (14) forming new mind stage (15) experiencing the new mind stage (16) practicing experienced new mind stage (17) memorizing and imprinting experienced new mind stage (18) working against resistance stage (19) experiencing mental imagery stage (20) analyzing mental imagery stage (21) working against resistance in mental imagery stage (22) reconstructing contents of mental imagery stage (23) practicing reconstructed contents of mental imagery in daily life stage etc.
Ⅱ. Image Psychotherapy for Hospice care 1 Introduction to the image psychotherapy for hospice care We can say, that hospice care is divided with hospice care, in which reality based problems, financial problems and physical pain problems are solved and another hospice care in which psychological·mental problems are solved and treated totally. Actually Psychotherapy for hospice care could also handle spiritual problems, profound mind problems, individual's thinking - and emotion system. Image psychotherapy can treat psychological and mental problems of the terminal patients and their family members. Image Psychotherapeutic for hospice care is treating psychological-mental-and spiritual problems of the terminal patient, his/her family and care giver. 2 Death phenomenon What is death actually ? Generally death is understood by different viewpoints as follows : ① religious death, ② biological (organic) death, ③ philosophical death, ④ psychological death, ⑤ cultural death and etc. Biological, organic death means death of a living organism, as a being who carries a body. cardiac death(cession of cardiac functioning), cession of breathing, cession of respiration, lung death, no-reactions on external stimulus, so, cession of reflexes etc. Philosophical death means the death or the view of death, which philosophers had defined our death phenomenon according to their consideration, life experiences and their wisdoms, Epicurean's view of death, Decartean's view of death, Sartrean's view of death, Kant's view of death are for example included. The aspect of philosophical death is the fact that death inevitably accompanies terror. view of psychological death is developed from philosophical death. In psychological death views, Freud's desire(instinct) for death Jung's self-actualization are famous. The main concepts of religious death are eternal life after death, transmigration and immortality. thor this reason, death as an end does not exist. thor example, Buddhist death assumes transmigration and Nirvana(The complete absence of sensation). Christian death assumes immortality of soul. They believe our soul shall live forever in Heaven. Considering of all these viewpoints, death phenomenon can be from many different death viewpoints defined and finely we know that death phenomenon can be in two ways defined. ; beginning of eternal new life or absolute ending of our life. In any case, death can be defined by one's death view. Anyway, death is a phenomenon, which is understood and defined by a death view. In Image Psychotherapy we can summarize in ten main viewpoints of death : ⑴ Death phenomenon can be only understood, how we understand it. ⑵ Death phenomenon can be only understood, how we define its meaning. ⑶ Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we have learned. ⑷ Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we take. ⑸ Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we believe and internalize. According to these views are following results : ⑴ Death can be only existed, how we it understand. ⑵ Death can be only existed, how we define its meaning. ⑶ Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we learn. ⑷ Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we understand. ⑸ Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we believe and internalize. According to the image psychotherapeutic death can be only discussed with our have consciousness, rational judge and a sense of values, and our subjective thinking system. So, even if we think and try to find out, what the death's nature is, we may not obtain the right answer, because of our subjective thinking system and subjective interpretation about death. Considering all these viewpoints, death is a phenomenon, how meaningfully we define, how we understand meaningfully and how we internalize meaningfully. According to this standpoint, dying is a natural returning phenomenon to the state of which he/she had been a component before coming to the human being's world. We came to this world by chance as an living, acting organism. And during very short period of time, we live and act shortly afterwards we return to the pre-natal world. In other side, death means a returning to the element of nature, which we before birth were. We are born and come to this present world by chance and are living, acting and we live during the short time in our world and we return to the nature.
3 Psychological and mental problems of the terminal patient Psychological, mental problems of the terminal patients are general (characteristic ed) by the feeling of death anxiety, terror of death, feeling of helplessness, desperation, denial, isolation, anger, fear and confusion etc. And their supporters' economical burden, restraint of emotion, pressure of time, negative effect on their plan, damage of physical health, economical problems, difficulties in daily routine and family members stress etc. However as I mentioned before, the psychological, mental problems of the terminal patients are also from their minds and deep mind, Also the concept of mind is for the care of terminal patients very important. Their all psychological·mental problems are also from their mind and mind's problems.
4 Methods of Image Psychotherapy for hospice care 1) Presenting one's problems stage Through this stage, patient experiences real concern relationship, sympathy, attentive listening, respect, confidence, serious attitude. On this process, terminal patients would forgive their sin, interesting the information about healing, conversation on death and family and heart-warming love and spiritual topic. Terminal patient will be respected as a spiritual being. 2) Mind in experience stage On this stage, perceiving and recognizing the mind's problems are achieved simultaneously. Patient realizes their problems and their negative emotion. As a result, one can interpret his/her problems adequately. 3) Experienced presented problems in order stage. On this stage, one understands and recognized his/her problems systematically, according to their importance. 4) Experienced presented problems in order with 'mind' stage Distorted thought and emotional system can be changed. 5) Experienced mind in memory and imprinting stage Memorizing and imprinting his/her problems, captured through 'mind in experience stage' and 'analyzing of mind's problems stage' are demanded. For real change in thought, emotion and behavior patterns, experiencing by heart inevitably needed. Not recognizing by thought and reason. Through this stage, one can interpret properly one's misbehavior, negative emotion and all symptom's causes. 6) Analysis working first analysis stage: understanding and realization of the 1st cause of problems on conscious level. second analysis stage: understanding and realization on preconscious level. third analysis stage: understanding and realization on unconscious level. Analysis guides us most effectively on crucial concept of Image Psychotherapy. Healing is the repetition of throwing old mind away and replacing it with new mind. Genuine healing is abandoning old mind and mind problems and filling in newly formed and positive mind, and so on. Correcting negative thought of death, distorted thought and views are this stage's main concern. Treating negative affections(anxiety, terror, fear, despair, helplessness, sorrow) as well. 7) Experiencing mental imagery stage ① flower motive ② meadow motive ③ important person figure of past motive ④ dying moment motive ⑤ world-after-death motive ⑥ figure of God(Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed, etc. according to his/her religion) 8) Formation of new born mind work It's process is as follows : ① establishing a proper death viewpoint(which can give stability and power to his/her self). ② establishing a positive death viewpoint(which can give stability and power to his/her self). ③ developing mental, psychological and spiritual growth gradually. ④ preparing death ⑤ greeting death with dignity Forming new mind includes : ① giving emotional support to the terminal patient(love, respect, etc). ② giving treatment in mental and spiritual area. ③ reconsidering patient's past ④ treating the terminal patient's family member's stress, physical restrain, decreasing mental burden, making his/her will, making his/her will in paper, managing the funeral and inheriting But in Image Psychotherapy, above all : ① resolving mind's problems ② learning proper viewpoint of death ③ making mind empty (acquiring the real meaning of death and life) ④ encouraging mental growth are demanded. 9) Work against resistance, analysis of mental imagery and reconstructions of actual perceptual experiences, etc.
Conclusion Image psychotherapy is a one of the deep dynamic and analysis oriented psychotherapies, in which are with mental image guided methods our psychological problems and mental disorders treated. In image psychotherapy, the concept of mind and mind's problems are very important. Our all psychological·mental problems are from our mind and mind's problems. Image Psychotherapeutic for hospice care is treating psychological-mental-and spiritual problems of the terminal patient, his/her family and care giver. Death is a phenomenon, how meaningfully we define, how we understand meaningfully and how we internalize meaningfully. According to the image psychotherapeutic death can be only discussed with our have consciousness, rational judge and a sense of values, and our subjective thinking system. All our psychological ․ mental problems and mind's problems are healed and settled gradually through 40 stages. And image psychotherapy for hospice are enough for 20 working stages.
다음은 윗글의 요약문 임 IMAGE PSYCHOTHERAPY IN HOSPICE CARE Prof. Dr. Bhum Sik, CHOI. The MyongJi University of korea, korea Preface Today, I will present the image psychotherapy for the hospice care. At the first part the general principle and method of image psychotherapy and at the second part the image psychotherapy for the hospice care and palliative care, which is recently in Korea developed will be introuced. Ⅰ Introduction to the Image Psychotherapy Image psychotherapy is one of the deep dynamic and analysis oriented psycho therapies. Image psychotherapy treats with guided mental image methods our psychological problems and mental disorders. Kathathymes Bilderleben(KB) in Germany is one of the representative and well known as a deep dynamic image psychotherapy in Europe among the psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social and nursing counselors. 1 Introduction to the concept of mind and mind's problems (How we understand of our mind?) We can say, our all psychological and mental problems come from our mind itself and mind's negative problems. Therefore in image Psychotherapy, the concept of mind and mind's problems are very important. In image psychotherapy we believe that psychological problems, mental problems, neurosis, mental disease come from not only our mind itself, but also our deep mind, so called our unconsciousness. Mind is composed of mind itself and mind's problems. So, our psychological · mental problems come also from our mind and mind's problems. If our mind works negatively, it can be happen the problem in the area of our affections, feelings, thinking, cognition, behaviors and habits etc.
2 The therapeutic concept of image psychotherapy All our psychological · mental problems and mind's problems are treated through 40 stages. For example, image psychotherapy let us guide experiencing, finding and recognizing our mind and mind's negative problems and also guide to the interpreting the contents of our mind's and mind's negative problems and also guide to overcoming and solving the mind's problems and guide to obtaining the new mind and new behavior.
Ⅱ. Introduction to image Psychotherapy for hospice care 1 What is image psychotherapy for hospice care? (Introduction to the image psychotherapy for hospice care) We can say, that hospice care is divided with hospice care for terminal patient’s financial problems and their physical pain problems and hospice care for treating of all psychological and mental problems of terminal patients. Image Psychotherapy for hospice care is treating all psychological mental and spiritual problems of the terminal patient and their family and their care giver. 2 Death phenomenon What is death actually? Generally we can define death by many different viewpoints. For exemple, there are religious viewpoints of death so called(religious death), biological viewpoints of death(biological death or organic death), and philosophical viewpoints of death, psychological viewpoints of death, cultural viewpoints of death and etc. Biological death means organic death or death of a living organism or death of cardiac function (cession of cardiac, cession of breathing, cession of respiration, lung death, no-reactions on external stimulus, cession of reflexes) etc. The concepts of religious death are eternal life after death, transmigration and immortality. For this reason, death as an end does not exist. For example, Buddhist death assumes transmigration and Nirvana(The complete absence of sensation). Christian death assumes immortality of soul. They believe our soul shall live forever in Heaven. Considering of all these viewpoints, death phenomenon can be defined by many different death viewpoints.
In Image Psychotherapy we can summarize in five main viewpoints of death : 1) Death phenomenon can be only understood, how we understand its phenomenon. 2) Death phenomenon can be only understood, how we define its phenomenon. 3) Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we learn. 4) Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we believe. 5) Death phenomenon can be only understood, what kind of death theory we internalize. According to these viewpoints are following results : 1) Death can be only existed, how we it understand. 2) Death can be only existed, how we define its phenomenon. 3) Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we learn. 4) Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we understand. 5) Death can be only existed, what kind of death theory we believe and internalize. Considering all these viewpoints, death is a phenomenon, how we meaningfully define and how we meaningfully understand and how we meaningfully internalize.
3 Introduction to methods of Image Psychotherapy for hospice care ① First Level : According to counselor’s guide, experiencing and meeting my mind and my mind's problems, ② Second Level : According to counselor’s guide, finding and recognizing my mind's problems and my psychological · mental problems, ③ Third Level : According to counselor’s guide, overcoming and controlling my mind's problems and my psychological · mental problems, ④ Fourth Level : According to counselor’s guide, obtaining the my new positive mind ⑤ Fifth Level : According to counselor’s guide, changing my old character and behavior ⑥ Sixth Level : According to counselor’s guide, obtaining my new character and behavior 2) Methods and working of mental imagery experiencing ① First working stage : According to counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of flower figure ② Second working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of meadow figure ③ Third working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of important person figure ④ Fourth working stage : Accorging to the counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of dying moment at dying day ⑤ Fifth working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of world-after-death figure ⑥ Sixth working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, mental imagery of figure of God(Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed, etc.) (According to the choice of religion of terminal patint self)
3) Working for born of new mind of terminal patints It's processings are as follows: ① First working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, establishing and leaning of the death phenomen. ② Second working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, establishing a positive death viewpoint ③ Third working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, developing and growth of psychological and spiritual mind. ④ Fourth working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, preparing of the postive death ⑤ Fifth working stage : According to the counsellor’s guide, totally postive accept of death with dignity
Conclusion Image psychotherapy is one of the deep dynamic and analysis oriented psychotherapy, Image psychotherapy treats with mental image guided methods our psychological problems and mental disorders of terminal patients. In image psychotherapy, the concept of mind and mind's problems are very important. Our all psychological · mental problems are from our mind and mind's problems. All our psychological mental problems and mind's problems are treated gradually through 40 stages. Image Psychotherapy for hospice care is treating all psychological and mentals problems and spiritual problems of the terminal patients and their family and care giver. According to the image psychotherapy, death can be only discussed with our rational thinking and our subjective thinking system. Therefore death is a phenomenon, how we meaningfully define and how we meaningfully understand and how we meaningfully internalize.